Early Intervention

When a child does not appear to be developing according to the regular timetable of new-born milestones,
parents and family members are understandably concerned.

Bridge Rehabilitation and skills development Centre is one of the top in early intervention is a complete service that provides focused stimulation for both children and preschoolers with developmental delays, high-risk conditions, or disabilities. The ultimate goal of the Early Intervention program is to assist children in learning skills related to the developmental areas that normally develop during the first three years of life such as

If the child has a developmental delay in one or more of these areas, the child receives individualized
treatment to fulfil his or her specific requirements

Early Intervention is a transformative approach aimed at nurturing the growth and development of young minds. At our center, we believe in the power of early support, providing impactful services tailored to each child’s unique needs. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to unlocking their full potential through evidence-based interventions and individualized care. By identifying and addressing developmental delays and challenges early on, we strive to pave the way for brighter futures. From speech therapy and occupational support to social skill development, our comprehensive programs create a nurturing and supportive environment, empowering children to thrive and achieve their milestones.

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